Bridegroom-of-BloodIf you read through Exodus too quickly, you might miss the moment when Yahweh, just after he appoints Moshe to deliver His Israelite...
The Twelve TribesIt was normal in the ancient world to end important works of literature with grandiose poems. The book Genesis is no exception. And so,...
A Heartfelt PleaThis is the third and final entry for the portions which cover the Yoseph Novella. We began with The Godly Shepherd, in which we saw...
The LamentFor thirteen years, Yoseph’s brothers saw him not, thinking that he had been wallowing in slavery. When fate finally brought them back...
The Godly-ShepherdIt could be nothing short of Divine Intervention that would result in the early Israelite family surviving long enough to grow into a...
Contenders-With-ElOne of the purposes of the opening narrative of Genesis is to show that Yahweh, as the one-and-only Creator of the cosmos, is also the...
Hearing the DowntroddenYaakov the Trickster met his match when he fled to find sanctuary with Lavan. This would be one of Genesis's great moments of poetic...
A Justified ConspiracyThe story of the sons of Yitshak is a troubling one with some glaring questions; How can it be that Yaakov, the heir to the covenant...
What Qualified Israel's Founding Figures?When it came time for Avraham to choose a wife for his heir Yitzhak, he was quite picky. As he charges his servant, Don’t take a woman...
Returning to EdenThere is a reason that an ancient Israelite penned an anti-child-sacrifice polemic; To his disgust, Israelites were sacrificing their own...
While Heaven and Earth Looked OnThe 15th chapter of the book Genesis is amazing; So cryptic, evocative and mysterious what with the details that the author chose to...
A Blessing CorrectedThe Israelite story of the flood, as we have it today, ends with Yahweh bestowing a blessing upon humankind through Noah. In this...
One Murder Leads to AnotherKayin is not remembered favorably. His offering to Yahweh was flawed, and in a moment of uncontrolled anger and jealousy, he brought his...